First ritual

The first ritual is an event that requires you to be part of the Paranormal Activities Club. As a few days have passed after The Rave, Darkness will ask you for help in one of the club's activities, but this being the first time she has asked you for help, our MC doesn't know what to expect from it.


To activate this event, you must be a member of Paranormal Activities Club, and you must have completed The Rave.

Days later, Darkness will send you a message asking you to go to the club, where he will warn you that an important event is coming up. Leaving this meeting, you will meet Brianne, days later you will receive another message from Darkness starting this event.


Darkness te pedira que le ayudes a conseguir dos elementos necesarios para una actividad, la Euryale flower y la Vodyanoi Pearl, which are required by the club, each item has its set of challenges to obtain it.

Euryale flower

You will need to ask one of the students if anyone knows the flower, which will prompt Rati to explain what you will need to do to obtain it safely.

You will have to purchase the Blacklight Flashlight online and enter the Technological Sciences Club very early in the morning to "borrow" the equipment to transport the flower.

Blacklight_FlashlightBlacklight Flashlight Laboratory_equipLaboratory equipment

Once you have it, go to the forest at night and look for her using the Blacklight Flashlight.

Vodyanoi Pearl

For the pearl, you will have to ask someone related to the sea about this pearl, so your best bet is Brad, however, then go home and search On line for more information.

Once you are clearer about what you have to do, go to the beach to get a boat, Brad will tell you that you cannot rent it until you have a captain's driver's license, but being a minor, you will need the advice of someone crafty to get a Fake Capitan License, so Willy is your man.

Capitan_LicenseCapitan License

Follow Willy's instructions, and once you get the Fake Capitan License, go talk to Brad again and rent the boat, which will lead to the driving minigame. If you crash more than 5 times, the event will be lost.

On the island, press on the oysters until you find what you need.

Dagger of Tunrida

After you got both items, go to the Paranormal Activities Club and Darkness will informe you that Ms. Principal just confiscated the Dagger of Tunrida which is also requiered, while talking, depending on your choises, you will end up "volunteering" to sneak in to school at night to take from Ms. Principal's office the dagger.

Just, go at 2:00 am, and sneak in via the girls locker room.

There will be a set of panties in one of the girls locker that you can take as a suvenire.

Once you have the dagger, talk to Darkness.

During the event

Sophie having fun instead of working

You will need to speak to everyone in attendance at least once, no matter the order.

Chloe will be upset because Sophie is goofing around instead of working.

If you are playing the Patreon version, Sophie will flash you the before going back to work.

Ms. Felicia will ask you how old you think she is, to which you must guess or it will cost you affection points with her.

Rati will be acting suspiciously, but before you can do anything, Ms. Principal will scold you for being away from other people.

After talking to the last person, a scene with Violet and Spike will be triggered. You will also meet Phill.

Once the scene ends, Frida will approach you and invite you to play a drinking game.

Frida sleeping by your side


If you manage to win the minigame, you will unlock a Frida scene No. 1. If you don't fail the minigame, the event will end.

If when you bought the the Rave clothes, you also bought the elegant clothes, Frida will be wearing the white shirt completely open, otherwise, she will be wearing the red shirt from the casual outfit.

You will be able to go on dates with Frida and Ginger if you succeed meeting the requirements.

Other major events start after this one.

Also see